Part 3 - What Does Spiritual Growth Look Like? Part 3 // Jason Souza


Healthy relationships require hard work, good habits, and time spent together. That's why becoming spiritually mature involves drawing near to God every day.

Below is a prayer focused on a unique pathway towards intimacy with God. As you read through it, makes a commitment to focus on that area of your life this week. Allow God to transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.


You are so kind to me. And when You gave up Your only Son to save me, You provided me with an example of humble obedience. Thank You for showing me what servant leadership should look like. Instead of seeking my own way, help me to seek Yours. I want to serve You by serving others. So change my heart and help me love others genuinely. Shape me into someone who considers others as better than myself.
In Jesus' name,

Pastor Jason

*adapted from an article from YouVersion Bible app.