Part 2 - What Does Spiritual Growth Look Like? Part 2 // Jason Souza


Healthy relationships require hard work, good habits, and time spent together. That's why becoming spiritually mature involves drawing near to God every day.

Below is a prayer focused on a unique pathway towards intimacy with God. As you read through it, makes a commitment to focus on that area of your life this week. Allow God to transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

In a world that glorifies busyness, it is so easy to fill my time with things that don't matter. If I'm not careful, I numb out or burn out because I don't create enough space to rest in Your presence each day. I need You to change the way I think and the way I live. I need You to help me make space for rest. Help me come to You daily - I want to simply be with You.

In Jesus' name,

Pastor Jason

*adapted from an article from YouVersion Bible app.