Self-Serve Or Full Service? // Jason Souza

And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Mark 8:29a

If nothing else, I hope you took from Sunday’s message the idea that there are many Christs, but you can only serve one.

On one hand, there are the Christs who endorse all of our thoughts, ideas, opinions and positions. The Christs who are happy to sit quietly in the backseat until it is time to take the wheel. The Christs who gladly usher us into Heaven upon death, but then leave us free to pursue life as we see fit until then.


On the other hand, you have Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior. The Christ who calls us to something more. The Christ who calls us to prayer and the Word. Who calls us to worship and discipleship. Who calls us to service and sacrifice. The one and only Jesus Christ who calls you to get on board with his thoughts, ideas, opinions, and positions.

The bottom line is that you can claim any Christ you want. The one most of us are likely to confess publicly is obvious. But just as obvious will be the Christ you believe in, because the one you believe will be the one you serve. And the actions you take in that service make that choice clear.

Clear to you.

Clear to everyone around you.

Clear to Him.

Joshua said it best...
“...choose this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15

It is a simple choice really. And while we will not always make the right one, we have plenty of time to get it right. Because it is a choice we must make each and every day.

Think about it.
Pastor Jason