Do As I Say. Do As I Do. // Jason Souza


"...whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked."
1 John 2:6 (ESV)

If you got nothing else from the messages of the last couple of Sundays, hopefully there is no doubt in your mind that the purpose of our life with Jesus is discipleship.

Think of your spiritual life as a spectrum. On one end is the spiritual condition you were in on the day Jesus found you; the day you cried out to him to save you as Lord and Savior.

On the other end is Jesus himself. Our mission, should we choose to accept it - and far too many of us do not - is to spend each moment of each day working with the Holy Spirit to transform us. To end each day looking more like him and less like ourselves.

Triangle of Spiritual Growth (1).png


It is a goal we cannot achieve without God. It is a work He will not do without us. Between His work, our work, and the trials and tribulations of life we begin to take on the mindset of Christ. And once we begin thinking like him, speaking, acting, and behaving like him are not too far behind.

Jesus does not call us to religion. He does not call us to church attendance. He calls us to follow.


Anything less is...well...just less.

Think about it.
Pastor Jason