Open Saysa He // Jason Souza

Open Saysa He
(see what I did there?)


Be opened.

Openness can be incredibly complicated in this day and age. It requires confidence and trust.

But shouldn't it be so much easier with God? After all, He already knows everything we work so hard to keep from others. What could possibly keep us from trusting God who is all-knowing AND all-powerful.

Sometimes the problem is about reliance. To trust in Him as we should might require us to put aside some things on which we've grown used to relying. Things in which we like to place our trust.

Take a look at the attached article.

When times are good - when the wallet has a little girth, the waistline has a little more, and life is blue skies and laughter - am I as open and inviting to God as I should be? As I could be?

Are you?

There will come a point, on the other side of death, when our earthly riches, prosperity, and joys will all be gone. Then, there will be only God.

Or not.

Think about it.
Pastor Jason