Pastor's Update March 19th, 2020

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  ~  Hebrews 10:24-25

Hello to my wonderful C3AK family!

What. A. Crazy. Week. Month. Year. Life. This has turned out to be. I KNOW our collective anxiety is very high and all of us fall somewhere on the spectrum from “what’s the big deal” to “this is the end!”

Let me encourage you make sure you’re somewhere more in the middle of those two things toward “this is serious and we need to make good choices, but we are going to get through this, together.”

 When I say together, I mean you and me, our community, this great nation, our friends around the globe, and of course, the great and glorious God of all nations; Our Father, who is in Heaven and the one in whom we trust.

Friends, don’t lose sight of this!

  • He is still on the throne and He is STILL GOOD!

He loves you and no matter the situation, He will not forsake you.

Clearly, our lives are going to be very different for awhile and no one really knows how long that will last. In the meantime, I and Jason are working together to find ways for our church community to stay connected through the wonder of modern technology and maybe the good old-fashioned mail service. Here are some things to look forward to over the next two weeks. They may be a little wonky to start, but we will get the details dialed in as we go.

Check out the C3AK website ( for all the links to the information you need and engagement opportunities coming up. You’ll see links to all of our

  • social media accounts and the

  • church news page,

where we will update regularly with important information and stuff we all need to know. You’ll also see some links to resources for the kids at our house (share the homepage with your friends), encouraging Bible resources, a super long list of things you can do online besides watch movies and TV all day, and a link to virtual tours of some of the best museums around the world.

Additionally, the link to our upcoming Sunday LiveStream is there, the link to the updated PODCAST page, and all of the information on how to continue your faithful giving to the church. It’s all there in one place.

Other items which will come online shortly will be a form you can fill out if you find yourself suddenly in need of assistance.

  • Do you need someone to help clear the driveway?

  • Go to the grocery store? Bring you some fuel?

  • Cold medicine?

  • Take you to an appointment? 

Make sure and let us know. On that same note, if you are someone who is willing to be on the list of those who are willing and able to HELP, please email me at

Also, I plan to launch an interactive Bible devotional time next week using the ZOOM meeting service. You can join that meeting with a computer, a mobile device, and even a telephone! You won’t need to signup for any new accounts and the installation of the browser add-on or download of the app is quick and easy. We can talk to each other and share in a time of conversation and maybe a little acoustic worship. I can host up to 100 people so, I hope you’ll jump in with me, details to follow.

One thing I am excited about is that we had planned to observe the Lord’s Supper, or Communion, together on March 29th. Obviously, we won’t physically be together on that day. But, a few weeks ago, as Jason and I discussed plans for that Sunday we had already made the decision to acquire some single-serve, do-it-yourself Communion supplies, so we could limit the number of people touching the supplies. (We are forward thinkers, people!)  So, we will provide information on times where you will be able to stop by the church and pick up supplies, handed off with appropriately gloved hands, that you can take home and use with us via our LIVE STREAM service on the 29th! How cool is that? And, listen, if you can’t or don’t want to come by the church, we totally understand…  you can use anything you might have at home to participate with us. It’s the intent of the heart that counts, not the content of the food items. I’ll leave all of that to you, if that’s the way tings end up at your place.

Finally, in addition to all of the important updates and groovy links, and media streaming, I’ll be providing links to other online resources we find that are useful, encouraging, and hopefully uplifting. If you’ve found something you think we should share, send it on over!

Friends, let’s commit to one another to pray, lament, rejoice, support, and LIVE as if the measure of Grace we have been shown in Jesus Christ is lifeblood of our spirits. Actively look for the chance to love your neighbor and in all we do, worship the Lord our God with absolutely everything we have.


 Pastor Tracy (from the bunker, which is actually just my living room)