Gifts From Home // Jason Souza


And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Hebrews 10:24–25 (ESV)

In the midst of this time of hunkering down and social distancing, we may wonder how we can be the church. We know that the church is a body of people, not a building of stone. But what happens when that body of people can't be together?


Fortunately, we don't really need to answer that question. It may have been an issue for the church of the past, but we live in the age of technology, and interwebs, and social media. And for once, in its whole sordid history, social media might be, not just useful, but beneficial.

Here's how. Go to Facebook. Go to the church Facebook page.

If you've never visited the church Facebook page, just search "C3AK".

Or go to this link:

Like the page

Now, here's where it gets good. Use Facebook "... to stir up one another to love and good work..." Start sharing ways we, as the church - the body and ambassadors of Christ - can reach out and do good to others.

  • How can we serve/help those with whom we are housebound?

  • How can we serve/help those whose place in society means staying home is not an option?

  • How can we serve/help the most vulnerable among us?

  • How can we serve/help those who, while not necessarily physically vulnerable, may be socially or economically vulnerable?

Let us spur one another on. Let us encourage each other. See something on the news? Share it on the Facebook page. See something somewhere else on social media? Share it on the Facebook page? Know of an immediate need that we as a community might be able to address right now? Share it on the Facebook page.


And here's the important part. Don't just read the responses. Don't just like them. Don't just share them. Do them! To paraphrase something I once read, " not just [readers], but be doers too."

If the church's identity in Christ is not defined by a building, it can not be limited or contained by one either.

Think about it.

Pastor Jason