Covid-19 Update // Tracy Simmons


Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Hello C3AK!  It’s been a week of world changing events, Presidential announcements, state declarations, travel interruptions, Clorox cleaning, and concerned anticipation. We find ourselves facing a global crisis unlike anything in modern times, with an official declaration of “pandemic” coming from the World Health Organization, the President’s announcement just a few hours ago of a travel ban from Europe for the next 30 days, and our own state being declared in a state of emergency.


Those are all indications of worthy things to be concerned about and we should all be working to make practical and helpful modifications to our daily practices. If for no other reason, than to do what we can to try and slow the spread of this virus and protect the most vulnerable among us.

At C3AK, the practical steps we are taking include no hand shaking and hold off on the hugs for the time being. Employ the “Corona Shake” (fist bump), elbow bump or, maybe better yet, share a smile and a friendly wave or consider the ever happy “shaka” hand sign. Use the soap and water in the bathrooms throughout our facility to wash your hands (20 seconds under the warmest water you can stand). Do your best to avoid touching your face without clean hands or, better still, not at all (very much NOT EASY).  If you’re having the slightest hint of feeing unwell, like a tickle in the throat, elevated temperature, chills or body aches, please stay home and check with your doctor. Included above are the links for the weekly podcast with video back online and, hopefully, our live-stream returning in the next couple of weeks.


We are cleaning the building twice a week and have added specific decontamination of doorknobs, the entrance doors, and other common hand contact surfaces. We will have hand sanitizer available at the Connect Center and by the coffee station. The worship team is sanitizing their hand-held items and instruments regularly.

With ALL that being said, go back and read the Bible verse at the beginning of this note. 


In reality, this is the life of the Believer every single day. No matter what happens, we should never live in fear because the Lord of the universe loves us, cares for us, and ultimately holds us in the palm of his hands. So, do as you should, do as you must and, as you can, join us for church this Sunday. We are thrilled to welcome Allen and Melissa Batts & Family as they share their incredible journey of faith which is leading them to Togo, Africa. Consider now how you might commit to support them financially and prayerfully. I understand they are down to the last $1,000.00 per month of needed support.

Be blessed and I’ll see you soon.
Pastor Tracy
