Does Church Even Matter Anymore? // Tracy Simmons

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.   Hebrews 10:24-25

If you’ve paid any attention to the in-person worship issues in the state of California, and how those issues have played out here in good old Anchorage, you’ve probably seen at least one person refer to the above passage from Hebrews as a reason why the church not only should, but MUST meet, no matter what government mandates say. I can understand the motives behind many good, loving Christian folks who have expressed their disfavor with pressures and mandates given by government leaders in the past several months.

Many have wondered if the church has given up important ground that can never be reclaimed. Others have pointed fingers at denominations which have remained in exclusively virtual environments since last March. In some ways, it has become a weird litmus test, for some, of the strength of a church’s stand as to whether they’ve rebelled or conformed.

As far I can see, all of that is mostly rubbish. I can assure you, as your pastors, Jason and constantly had at the center of our conversations you and your family’s personal safety. Some might say that we erred on the side of caution by maintaining guidelines and requiring compliance from those who are able, when we’ve been able to have face to face church services. For those who may think those things, I can only answer that I sincerely believe they are misunderstanding what the church really is.

It’s not a building. It’s not a location. It’s not, though some REALLY disagree with me on this, performing specific traditions, once a week, with all the members in one place. It doesn’t take much to defeat these arguments, so let me take care of that.

If any of those things were true, every single member of the church on the planet today, who lives in a country or with a condition, which makes it impossible for them to enjoy these traditions would be outside the will of God. Would you be willing to stand in the face of a Chinese Christian, who lives in literal fear for their lives and well being should their faith be discovered, and tell them they are a failure as a believer because they don’t make it to “church” regularly? Judging by the noise some have made as they’ve been asked to worship via different means than normal, there are some who would.

I wouldn’t, because I understand that the words from Hebrews aren’t telling me to go to a building, or even to practice particular forms of worship. What it IS telling me, and you, is that to as much as we are able, we should find ways to gather with other believers and celebrate the life of Christ we are living, and the one who gave it to us. Not because we need to “go to church”, but because we ARE the church and the church needs to be together.

Online, in-person, in a church building, at the coffee shop, over a meal, with a fishing rod in hand…  just together. Which is why I want to encourage you to MAKE TIME to gather, around the computer, in front of the TV, with us in-person, or whenever your schedule will allow. But, DON’T just skip it. Try not to do it alone. Gather some trusted friends to meet with you in your home. Enjoy the broadcast. Eat a meal. Laugh and love one another.

Don’t. Just. Skip it.    Because we ARE the church, and the church needs to be together.

Be blessed,
Pastor Tracy