Keeping Watch // Jason Souza


With the kids home from school, keeping their day full may be proving difficult. Some of you are homeschooling, and have developed a schedule that probably remains pretty consistent. But, if not, filling that six and a half hours they used to spend at school is not going to happen.


As such, it is possible your kids may be spending more time interacting with their electronics than normal. And that is not a bad thing. Relax. Have fun. As trying as this situation might be, rejoice for the opportunity this time presents. Make the most of it. But be wise.


If the kids are engaged with their electronics more than usual, you need to be vigilant of that usage. It is easy to let the electronics keep watch. But it is vital that you watch the watcher.

Take a look at the attached article from KTVA:

This is not to suggest that you should distrust your children, but that does not mean you should trust those they trust.


As President Ronald Reagan said during the 80s, "Trust, but verify."

Think about it.
Pastor Jason