Reaching Children is a TOP Priority for Our Church // Jason Souza

"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

Deuteronomy 6:7 (ESV)

Christ Community Church values children. For that reason, we need an active children's ministry which can communicate the glory and value of God to the youngest of children. Beyond that, younger families are not likely to make a church which does not minister to their children their church home.

But, in spite of this, as we bang the drum for people to step up and volunteer to serve these children and their families, you may yet wonder, "Why me?"

Reason #2 - Reaching children is a top priority for our church.

In Hebrew, Deuteronomy 6:4-9 is called the Shema Yisrael. This name comes from the first words of the verse, "Hear, O Israel." These verses are one of the most important prayers in Judaism. Important enough that it was recited twice per day. And a focal point of this prayer is the verse above. 

In these verses, God directs His people to be focused and consistent in teaching the words, commandments, and story of God to their children. Also, this direction was given to the nation of Israel, not just the parents. All of God's people were responsible for the guidance and instruction of the nation's children. Of HIS children.

Just as this was a critical mission of Israel then, so, too, is it our critical mission now.

Think about it.

Pastor Jason