Kids Say The Darndest Things // Pastor Jason Souza

"Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength..."
Psalm 8:2 (ESV)

 Christ Community Church values children. For that reason, we need an active children's ministry which can communicate the glory and value of God to the youngest of children. Beyond that, younger families are not likely to make a church which does not minister to their children their church home.

 But, in spite of this, as we bang the drum for people to step up and volunteer to serve these children and their families, you may yet wonder, "Why me?"

Reason #9 - God may use the children to teach you.

Kids Say The Darndest Things" was not just the premise of a television show. I have been teaching kids, mostly grades seven through twelve, for over thirty years. In that time there have been countless occasions on which I have been brought up short, stunned, by the insight of a child. 

Perhaps it is because they do not have the higher reasoning of an adult. Maybe they lack the inner critic which prevents them from saying the thing they think they shouldn't. The thing that is too difficult to explain. The thing that makes no sense.

Perhaps they just don't care.

Whether Samuel, or Jesus, or that one kid whose name you can't remember from the last time you taught, God has a way of using children to express His deepest truths. 

And in that moment when they do, you are receiving a gift from the Father. Why would you not want in on that? 

Think about it.
Pastor Jason