Teach Them Well and Let Them Lead the Way // Jason Souza

Teach Them Well & Let Them Lead The Way

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even 

when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)


Christ Community Church values children. For that reason, we need an active children's ministry which can communicate the glory and value of God to the youngest of children. Beyond that, younger families are not likely to make a church which does not minister to their children their church home.

But, in spite of this, as we bang the drum for people to step up and volunteer to serve these children and their families, you may yet wonder, "Why me?"

Reason #6 - It is an opportunity for you to invest in the future.


When you give of yourself to serve in Kids' World, however frequently or infrequently that may be, you are making an investment in the future of the Kingdom. 


Every time you spend a half hour ministering to these little ones, you are planting a seed of faith. Or watering a seed of faith. Or nurturing a seed of faith. 


Or, maybe one day - God willing - reaping that seed of faith.


Over time, you may forget your service. The child may forget your service.


But the Father never forgets.


Then there will come a day, in the life to come, in God's presence, when you and the child will both remember.


And in that moment, you will realize just how important, how valuable, that half hour on a Sunday truly is.


Think about it.


Pastor Jason