Why Bother? // Jason Souza


Whatever can be said for worship in this day and age, there is one problem that far eclipses all others.


Well, not ME me, but me us. Like, the figurative me.

  • "I really don't feel like going today."

  • "I would really rather watch [insert athletic event here]."

  • "I don't like this song."

  • "I don't know why it has to be so loud."

  • "I wonder what's for lunch?"

  • "I really don't feel fed in worship."

See where I am going here?


If we are making anything of ourselves a priority during a time of worship, we worship only ourselves. Worship, whether corporately on Sunday morning, or any other time is about offering to Him our hearts, minds, body, soul, and spirit. It is a time where all our focus should be on Him. It is a time during which we praise HIS greatness, and, in doing so, remind ourselves who is worthy of our praise and adoration. [PRO TIP: It's not us.]

We need to reorient ourselves, and come to a place where our worship, whenever and wherever that might be, is about nothing - NOTHING - but the greatness and glory of Jesus Christ.

...learn to offer a sacrifice of worship. Many times you will not "feel" like worship. Perhaps you have had so many disappointing experiences in the past that you think it is hardly worth it. There is such a low sense of the power of God...go, even if you don't feel like it. Go, even if worship has been discouraging and dry before. Go, praying. Go, expecting. Go, looking for God to do a new and living work...
Celebration of Discipline, pages 172-173

Think about it.

Pastor Jason