C3AK and the Corona-Virus // Tracy Simmons

OK, friends… Remember that email asking for your updated contact info and cell phone provider information in case we had a snowstorm, Alaskan hurricane, or other event which might require immediate communication with you?

The current world-wide concern over Covid-19 is a prime example of a scenario where we may need to alert you with great speed and through multiple avenues. How does this apply to the Corona Virus?



It is highly likely Alaska will see a case of the virus in the next few weeks, though we pray earnestly that won’t be the case and that conditions around the world will begin to recede, not increase (in Jesus’ name).  If, God forbid, we happened to have someone in our congregation who tested positive (we rebuke that IN JESUS’ NAME), we would absolutely want to inform you as soon as possible. So if you haven’t already, please click the link below for each person in your household who has a cell-phone and update your information. Totally not kidding. 



In other news, for the sake of doing our part, we are working on having adequate hand sanitizer stations available at the church in the coming weeks and, per CDC suggestions for large group gatherings, I am asking that we refrain from hand-shakes or fist bumps (elbow bumps work, a friendly wave with a smile... everyone knows the deal), close contact like hugs, and other increased risk behaviors until this bug works it way out. We will do our best to make sure we keep the facility clean but, as is best practice during any flu season, you can also help by limiting hand to face touching, washing your hands (sing the ABC song twice, with soap under warm water), don’t share drinking glasses or eating utensils, sneeze into your elbow, and if you’re feeling sick please stay home and call your doctor. OH! By the way, if you can find it, Lysol is actually rated to kill Human Corona Virus.

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Other than that, it’s church as usual.  ☺   Except that we have ordered individual communion supplies for our Lord’s Supper celebration at the end of March! Just think of it as something new.

One other thing, please plan to be with us on Sunday March 15th to hear the miraculous work God is doing with the Batts family in their journey to Togo, Africa next year. Consider how you might support them with prayer, future mission trip opportunities, and finances. We’ll give you ALL the information you need on March 15th.

Blessings to you all and WASH YOUR HANDS!
Pastor Tracy