Face Time // Jason Souza

Recent research, available through the attached link, indicates that in many cases parents may spend as little as five hours in face to face communication with their child.


I have to say, the original abstract of the article struck me as a little unlikely and sensationalist. But, sure enough, the research seems to bear it out. Take a look...


If this is true - and I kind of think it probably is - it is truly frightening and disturbing.

But I also have to point out a couple of things not referenced in the article.


1) It goes into great detail about the amount of time kids spend on their phones, in front of the television, and avoiding parents yet makes ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION of the amount of time parents spend on their phones, in front of the television, and avoiding their kids. Come on. We've all seen it. We've all done it.

2) The research seems to neglect the fact that PARENTS ARE (SUPPOSED TO BE) PARENTS. If your child spends too much time on their phone, be a parent and do something about it. If your child spends too much time in front of the television, on their game, locked in their room, be a parent and do something about it.

In the final analysis, every one of those hours you do not act to reclaim will be a regret that will stick with you.

Think about it.
Pastor Jason