Wrapping Up 2018 // Tracy Simmons

How can there only be three Sundays left in 2018??? Is there any way to slow down time?

In any case, it’s going to be a lovely final season of 2018 at C3AK. Right on the heels of last week’s Jazz worship with the Dan Mac Band, Sunday December 16th is going to see our annual C3AKids Christmas Program, directed by Karen Simmons. This is one of my favorite Sundays in the year and, after having the chance to hang out with the kids last Sunday, this year will be a favorite as well. If you’re looking for some Christmas cheer, a lift in the spirit, and something to make you smile, you can’t beat a Sunday like this. It’s also a great time to invite a friend to join you!

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The following week will be December 23rd, a Sunday filled with Christmas music and worship. I will set the table for our Christmas Eve candle light service @ 6:30pm, which has become a well attended tradition for so many. Again, this year, our EKG group under the leadership of Jim and Jan Snoderly, will be providing a take home gift for every person in attendance, which is such a kind gesture. I hope you’ll join us and bring some friends!

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We’ll wrap up 2018 with some thoughts for the New Year and some considerations of the past. In so many ways it’s been a landmark year for Alaska, hasn’t it? I’m excited to see what the next year brings.


As a final note, if you’ve been planning year end giving, especially for tax purposes, it must be received in our office by December 31st so, don’t put it off!

I’ll see you Sunday!
