Hey parents,
You don’t need me to tell you that when kids hit puberty, EVERYTHING goes haywire. Not just their bodies, but their brains as well. We all know that, and - to some degree - we expect that. What we often don’t expect is the accompanying faith issues. A lot of the time it may feel like we are on the verge of losing our kids to the world.
But take heart.
Not only is this completely normal, but - if you can get through it - it can be a good thing. For the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing a series of articles from Mark “Marko” Oestreicher. Not only is he a veteran youth worker, but he’s been there and done that as a parent.
I hope his insights will comfort and encourage you. Feel free to share the article with others in your circle. In many ways, we’re all in this together.
This week, Marko will be sharing some thoughts on process trumping content.
Think about it.
Jason Souza