Giving at C3AK
The next time you’re at church, look around the room…..the church members you see are the sole source of day-to-day funding for C3AK. We aren’t sponsored by any mega church or denomination. All of the regular income for our church comes from us. Our recent “If I Give” series showed us that God has already provided this church body with the resources we need to carry on His ministry in tHis City.
Please spend some time in prayer and seek God’s direction for you in this important aspect of your life. We spend the vast majority of our time making, spending, investing, saving, and worrying about “our” money when, in reality, it all comes from Him. When we give our lives to Him, that includes our finances. Just as we can’t expect to grow in Christ if we only spend Sunday mornings with God, we can’t expect to grow in Christ if we have such an attachment to money that we essentially give God an allowance from what we think we can spare.
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.
There are many ways to give at Christ Community Church. We encourage you to use any of the methods that best suit your lifestyle:
Text2Give any amount to: 84321
Use the online giving portal here:
Place checks or cash in an offering envelope and put it in the offering box on Sunday morning (we don't pass a hat or plate)
Mail donations to: Christ Community Church, Alaska . 2222 West 100th Avenue . Suite 100 . Anchorage, AK . 99515
Christ Community Church, Alaska is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization